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SaaS (Software as a Service)

in an exciting new Social Marketing Platform


A Multi-Retailer (Virtual) E-Commerce App Management System.

Offering (ii) Easy, Quick - Redeemable Rewards, with a Social Gift-Giving Features (+1) ​ ​

On a Sustainable LOCAL  B2B / B2C Virtual Shopping Environment  and Event Space!

Virtually... Hope Over to  INTERNATIONAL Retailer Vendors through Our Access Points, purchase with your BitCoin Currency - a securely, non-intrusive, and from the convenience of your Office!

BETTER DATA ANALYTICS PLATFORM: Use "Big Data", factoring Consumer Survey Response and Using A Tracking Program of the Consumers Hand / Touch, Screen Engagement: to help transition the Prospect to a PURCHASING CONSUMER!


1. I worked at Polo Raplh lauren as Season

Working with Restaurants, I was fortunate enough to work with all the Programs of Living Social, Groupon and So ON. In the Profit Sharing Model. - A few CRM programs started to arrive, and

{5-7 YEARS}

A "Heads Up" Evolving, Business Analytics System/Platform.


System of Recommendations for Brands and Retailers to Reward Consumers at Time Specific Locations,

Partnering Local Retailers Automatically, to drive traffic based on Analytics from the Data provided by the Consumer.




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